“I craved more meaning, connection and recognition but at the same time I felt guilty of wanting more. I went back to distracting myself with work and hoped things would get better. After trying to prove myself to everyone for too long, I burned out.”

About my career & worklife change

After getting a job in corporate America, I naively thought my life would be like one of those TV series where people wear fine suits and close big deals. But after a few months of living the banker's life, I realized I wasn’t happy.

I was exhausted no matter how much I slept. I spent my life at work. I cancelled dinners with friends and gave up the little left of my social life. I really tried to never show others how I felt, but I often cried in silence behind my desk at 4am. I was becoming boring because when I had free time all I could think and talk about was work.

After trying to prove myself to everyone for so long, I burned out. I was terrified because I didn't know what was next for me. I somehow found the energy and motivation to apply for similar positions, but I wasn’t excited to work there at all.

I always knew that I needed to become my healthiest self in order to feel confident, energetic and happy in my career and in life. So I took some time off to heal and promised myself to learn how to put myself first again before getting back to work.

Every area of my life has been transformed for the better since I started my health and wellness journey to feel better. After feeling lost about my career path, I finally got clear on my purpose. I quit finance which I had never expected and became a certified transformational career & wellness coach.

“I wanted to say or do something so many times but I just distracted myself with more work until my next vacation where I could temporarily forget about everything, have my life back and be happy.”


In my corporate days, I felt like the more I did, the less I got in return. I wanted to say or do something so many times but I just distracted myself with more work until my next vacation where I could temporarily forget about everything, have my life back and be happy.

  • I craved deeper and more meaningful relationships at work, but I accepted that toxicity and stress were part of the culture.

  • I missed having a more balanced life, but I accepted overworking in a vain attempt to get more recognition and appreciation.

  • I applied for new jobs, but I accepted believing that I was not enough or that it was hard to find another good position.

  • I dreamed of changing careers, but I accepted to be something that I was not for fear of being judged.

Until one day, I realized that I had this constant need for validation from others. No matter how much I worked I always felt like I wasn’t doing enough which led me to always put myself last.

After ignoring my needs for so long, it’s no wonder I felt unfulfilled and unaligned in my career.

It was time for change!


Why bother change careers if it’s to put ourselves last again?

I wanted to apply for a similar positions then I realized that there was no point in reliving the same story.

During my career transition, it was time to…

  • Work through my limiting beliefs and fears.

  • Recover in a healthy manner, draw the lessons and move on.

  • Make a decision and take action towards the career and life change I craved.

  • Finally accept listening to what I wanted, and let go of other people's approval.

It was time to put myself first again and raise my standards, so I could really enjoy my life in and out of work.

It was not easy. It’s still not easy to raise my standards, but the best investment we can make is in ourselves.

Every area of my life has been transformed for the better since I started my health and wellness journey to feel better.

I left a job that made me feel miserable, I found my purpose as a certified transformational career & wellness coach and enjoy my (work)life again.

Every area of my life has been transformed for the better since I started my health and wellness journey through coaching. After feeling lost about my career, I finally got clear on my purpose. I quit finance which I had never expected and became a career & wellness coach. Today I help busy professionals that are burnt out or close to, to break free from their unhappy job and transition to a more fulfilling career & (work)life.


I QUIT BANKING after realizing 3 things…

I quit my high finance job way before the « Great resignation » was a thing.

I am often asked, why did I suddenly quit finance so I decided to finally answer that question in detail in this video. In it, I candidly share my personal journey of working in finance and the top reasons why I decided to quit and never look back. I also share 4 powerful actions you can put in place to realign your career and figure out the its next steps. Whether quitting had ever crossed your mind or not, this video is definitely a must watch to be more in sync with your professional path.


 Having a fulfilling career and a happy (work)life is not just for entrepreneurs.

You too can break free from boring, unfulfilling and meaningless workweeks.

You have to accept putting yourself first again and raising your standards.

It’s time to clear your mind, change careers and enjoy your (work)life.

The first step starts with you.

Are you ready?