In my “BREAKING BURNOUT” coaching program, I empower you to put your burnout experience behind you healthily, build your confidence back and prepare yourself to the next (healthier) chapter of your career.



A hardworking and dedicated professional who has never been afraid to put in the hours to get work done, learn or help others get their work done.

But after months, perhaps even years of unconditional commitment you found yourself completely burnt out, exhausted on all levels.


Burnout took a toll on your health, but also on your self-confidence which makes it hard for you to see yourself going back to work immediately.

Given how ambitious you are, you don’t want to stay out of work too long, but there is NO WAY you’re going back to work without building your confidence back up, and learning how to set healthy boundaries with others.


On top of the medical and psychological support you are probably getting, you are looking for THE professional coach to help you get your work + life back together. You want ACTION.

You’re looking for a positive minded coach that will provide you with a safe space to process & move on from your burnout experience and, take confident steps to get back to a normal (& healthier) work-life.

Why do I offer burnout coaching?

Why do I offer burnout coaching?

After getting a job in corporate America, I thought my life would be like one of those TV series where people wear fine suits and close big deals.

But after a few months of living the banker's life, I realized I wasn't happy with my career.

I spent my life at work. I canceled dinners with friends and gave up the little left of my social life. I was exhausted no matter how much I slept. I really tried to never show others how I felt, but I often cried behind my desk in the late hours of the night. My work became my life, and yet all I could think about during my free time was work.

After trying to prove myself to everyone for so long, I burned out.

The unshakeable confidence I had during the initial interview process, disappeared when I needed it the most. The smile I had on my face when getting ready to go to work in the first few weeks faded away. I had no energy to network and let alone start applying for other positions somewhere else. Throughout this whole process I thought that I was the problem: I was simply “not doing enough” or “resilient enough“ which made the whole experience even more awkward and painful.

I wasn’t alone.

All around me, at all levels of the hierarchy were people struggling with exhaustion, poor management styles and toxic working cultures. Yet, no one did anything about it. So, I decided to quit and took some time to heal myself. Ever since, I've empowered many professionals to move on to healthier work-lives with confidence.



For those who want to benefit from my individual support while learning with a group of supportive people that also want to break out of burnout and take charge of their work life.

This container is for you if:

You are tired of feeling isolated and want to progress amongst other individuals who can relate to you while having access to my professional support to get your life back on track asap.


  • Commitment:

    • 3 month group coaching program.

  • Coaching Sessions: Total of 12 sessions / 4 per month.

    • 9 x 90 minutes group sessions

    • 3 x 60 minutes private sessions with me

  • Location: Online - videoconference

  • Language:

    • Group coaching are in English
      (unless all the participants speak French).

  • Exclusive Access:

    • Unlimited Q&A by email, whatsapp or messages with me within business hours (M-F 9am – 5pm EST).

    • Super structured coaching sessions that maximize every minute of our time together as a group or one-to-one.


(limited spots available)

For those who are looking for a more intimate, confidential and custom coaching experience. Private coaching allows you to benefit from my undivided attention and laser focus on you at all times during your coaching program.

This container is for you if:

Together, you want to identify the mental blocks and patterns that have led you to burnout in more depth, so you can learn from this experience and be better prepared to return to work.


  • Commitment:

    • 4 month coaching program minimum.

    • After that, month-to-month basis if needed.

  • Coaching Sessions: Total of 16 sessions / 4 per month.

    • 14 x 60 minutes private sessions with me

  • Location: Online - videoconference

  • Language:

    • Private Coachings are in English or French based on your personal preference.

  • Exclusive Access:

    • 3 min “Executive summary” of the session in audio format directly sent to you.

    • MP3 Audio recording of the session available for download upon request.

    • Access to exclusive client ressources in the client hub.

    • Special rates on exclusive webinars.

    • Unlimited Q&A by email, whatsapp or messages with me within business hours (M-F 9am – 5pm EST).

    • Super structured coaching sessions that maximize every minute of our time together.